I am always having people trying to get me to create a blog, so here it is:) It's definately not going to be anything too elaborate because I'm too busy with scrapbooking to deal with this. Anyway, here's what I have.....
A friend of a friend took our family pictures on Thursday. I haven't seen the family pictures yet because she took TONS of pictures and hasn't finished going through and editing them yet, but this is a picture of Trayce that she posted on her blog. Isn't he sooo cute!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Trayce and I joined a Mom's Day Out group, and this week we went to Jumpin Jacks in Springville. Trayce was freaked out by all the blowup toys. He would just cling to me like something was going to get him. I'm not so sure he liked the BIG slide either.
Me and Trayce
Gavin and Trayce on the riding toy that took 2 quarters. I let them ride it once.
Even though Trayce didn't like the blowup toys, he loved this little toy bus, which kept him entertained for most of the time.
I had Trayce's 16 month pictures taken today at Sears Grand. It was a pain trying to get him to cooperate, but now that he's walking, he just doesn't want to stay still. All considering, I think they turned out pretty good. Thanks again Ashley for letting us borrow the costume. And, the little outfit that he's wearing (hoodie and onesie underneath that has a lion on it) is something I bought from DI yesterday (from Gymboree brand new with tags still on them). I LOVE DI!!!
We took Trayce to the Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point on Monday night, and there wasn't anything there for him to do. He will probably like it in a year or two because there was a lot of things to do, but he's just still too young.
So, I guess it was kinda good that we had to reschedule our pictures because we got invited to a Jazz game with Kat and Kaleb and got to sit on the front row right under the goal. It was awesome even though we lost. It was just a pre-season game so it didn't really matter. We got to see Shaq who is a total monster. And, I managed to get a picture of Korver going up for a rebound.
Dustin took Trayce outside while he was cleaning the garage out, but he wasn't really watching him very good because Trayce got on some little tricycle toy and fell off and scratched the right side of his face all up. Not to mention that we were supposed to have family pictures taken that same day and had to reschedule.